Our Designation
Danecourt is a mixed Academy Special School for primary aged pupils (4-11 years). All of the children attending Danecourt have complex learning difficulties and disabilities, which may include speech, langauge and communication, sensory, physical or autistic spectrum disorder. Their needs present a barrier to accessing the curriculum and therefore children will be achieving significantly below their peers.
All of the pupils attending Danecourt have an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP).
If your child has an EHCP and you would like to have a look round Danecourt, please contact the main school office to arrange an appointment with a member of the senior leadership team.
Admission Arrangements
Admissions to Danecourt School typically take place at the beginning of a term or academic year.
Children are referred to Danecourt for admission by Medway SEN Team, including referrals sent by neighbouring local authorities.
It is important that the curriculum offered at Danecourt meets the needs of each individual child and all elements of their EHCP. In order to make this judgement the admissions team will consider the following documents that are provided by Medway / the referring local authority as part of the consultation process -
- Person Centred Annual Review (PCAR) reports
- School reports
- Medical reports
- OT / SALT reports
- Educational Psychologist reports
- Any other documents considered to be relevant
- Visit to observe the child in their current setting, if required
In order to facilitate effective learning we ensure that children are placed within an appropriate peer and age group. The admission selection is primarily based upon the needs of the child, balanced with the need to provide and maintain a stable curriculum provision that is of high quality and offers support to all existing children within the school.
As part of this admission process it will also be decided as to which site will offer the most appropriate setting. Currently those children in Year R (aged 4) are based within the Early Years provision at our satelitte based at Featherby Primary School. Our most able learners within Key Stage 2 are based at our provision at Bligh Primary School.
Some children will also transition from Gillingham to Bligh (or vice versa) throughout their schooling if it is deemed in their best interest. This will not impact the named provision within their EHCP, which will remain Danecourt School.
If it is agreed and a placement is offered, a member of the admissions team will write to Medway or the referring local authority, outlining the offer. A member of the admissions team will then make contact with parents/carers regarding a transition plan. If Danecourt is not considered to be a suitable placement for the child, then Medway or the referring local authority will be informed in writing. In both instances, a response will be provided in writing within 15 days of receiving the referral / consultation paperwork.
Medway will be informed of any referrals recieved from other local authorities in order to support partnership working.
Appeals will be considered in accordance with the requirements of the School Admission Appeals Code in that they will, in their first instance, be heard by the First Tier Tribunal.
Medway Special Education Department
Local authorities wishing to make referral to Danecourt should send any admissions paperwork to
Should you have any queries regarding the admissions process please contact Lenna Wells on 01634 232589 or via email -
More information regarding the admissions arrangements in Medway can be found at -
Medway Council School Admission Arrangements
School Transport
School transport is managed by Medway and is something that the school does not have any involvement in. If you wish to apply for school transport you can complete the online application form by following the link below:
Once transport has been agreed it can take up to 20 working days for it to be put into place, therefore we strongly recommend making an application as soon as your child's place has been confirmed at Danecourt. Please also be aware that should clearly state which Danecourt site your child will be attending. If you move house you will need to go through the same process of completing and submitting the application form to inform Medway of any changes in your circumstances, which can also take up to 20 working days.